APALIE, the Riverside County Bar Association, and the San Bernardino County Bar Association are pleased to announce a dinner and MCLE event* with Judge Lance Ito on Spoken Language Interpreters.
Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Canyon Crest Country Club
975 Country Club Drive
Riverside, California 92506
Members of APALIE/RCBA/SBCBA $45
Non-members $65
RSVP by purchase of tickets at Eventbrite.** Space is limited.
Please indicate your meal selection as chicken or vegetarian.
*An application requesting MCLE credit for this activity is pending for approval by the State Bar of California. If it is approved, APALIE will issue credit retroactively. One hour of Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession will be credited.
**May be subject to Eventbrite fees.